7 Nutrient-Rich Foods That Don't Cost A Bomb -
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7 Nutrient-Rich Foods That Don’t Cost A Bomb


With the recent introduction of GST, 1 Malaysian ringgit doesn’t stretch as far as it used to, and those who are on a tight budget might find themselves hemming and hawing over which food to put into a shopping cart, and which one they should put back on the shelf.

Injured Piggy Bank WIth Crutches

Sadly to say, the more nutritious choice isn’t always obvious, and it can be a daunting task to filter out the one that packs more nutritional value for similar food dollar. Here, we recommend some of the worthwhile edibles that will provide you with more value for each dollar spent.

Turkey Breast

Chicken breast is often touted as bodybuilding food because it’s low in saturated fats, but turkey breast actually contains more protein, zinc, and selenium compared to its counterpart. Individuals with higher level of selenium are less prone to type 2 diabetes.

Apart from that, the high level of iron helps delivering oxygen to distal muscle groups, providing them with energy needed to push hard during lifting session.

Frozen Veggies

Fresh veggies are rich in nutrients and vitamins, but for those harried cooks out there who can’t fork out the time to shop and chop, it’s always a good option to stock up on the subzero version in your fridge, as rapid freezing shortly after harvest helps in preserving the vital nutrients.


This supermarket staple contains disease-thwarting antioxidants and plenty of colon-cleansing fibers, making each bite much more filling. The high fiber content can also help in eliminating toxins from our body, making it less vulnerable to life-threatening illnesses such as cancer & cardiovascular diseases.


Sure, tuna is high in protein and contains relatively zero fat, but salmon trumps its counterpart by offering heart-protective omega-3s, which helps in protecting your body against heart diseases and relieving muscle soreness.


But wait, here’s more: ounce for ounce, by choosing to consume salmon with its softened bones, you’ll absorb 20 times more bone-strengthening calcium than you would by consuming tuna.



While it isn’t particularly affordable, quinoa has a leg up on other grain alternatives, as it offers a handsome amount of protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, folate, potassium, and zinc.


It’s also one of the rare legumes with complete amino acid profile, making it an attractive option for vegetarians who are worried about not consuming enough essential amino acids in their diet.


Pink Grapefruit

This tangy fruit invigorates your body with its high amount of lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant that prevents hardening of arteries and certain cancer. The high water content (91%) also helps prevent dehydration, suitable for those who have to go through frequent and extended period of exercise sessions.



The 3 phytonutrients found in broccoli (Glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and glucobrassicin) contribute to the elimination of toxin and waste from our body. Plus, it helps in lowering LDL cholesterol, the harmful component that clogs up your arteries.


To make sure it retains its cholesterol-lowering properties, make sure you prepare it by steaming. This will ensure the fiber-related components to bind together with bile acids smoothly, which will result in a lower cholesterol level.



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