The fasting month of Ramadhan is approaching us and most gym go-ers have the same ultimate concern which has landed you to this article: how do I diet during the fasting month without ‘losing my gains’?
Before we delve deeper into this topic, our Muslim friends and readers know that the ninth month of Islam’s lunar calendar (which is called Ramadan) is the holiest and most spiritual month for them. All able-bodied Muslims take part in this holy tradition whereby they will fast everyday from sunrise to sunset. It is a time for deep contemplation and prayer to Allah, and also charitable generosity.
Contrary to popular beliefs, the fasting month is not a leeway for people to indulge in all kinds of fried and fatty food when they are breaking fast or even beginning their fast.
Here are our #BEFITTIPS for dieting during your fasting month:
Opt for meals high in protein and fats before fasting and after breaking fast
By choosing foods in high protein such as eggs, chicken, full fat yogurt, beef, lamb, protein powder and etc, you will be able to suppress the hunger pangs. Eating high protein food together with high fat food (i.e. avocados, coconut oil, nuts, fatty fish, etc.) will leave you more satiated than eating a high carb meal.

High Protein Foods
Meal Example :
- 3 whole eggs, fried with 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil; One whole avocado; Handful of assorted nuts; 100g chicken breast pan fried with extra virgin olive oil
- 1 cup of full fat yogurt mixed with fresh fruits of your choice; 1 serving of greens supplements
- 3-4 scoops of protein powder mixed with full cream milk.
Train in the evening time before breaking fast
Training before breaking your fast in the evening will be an easier way to control the hunger pangs that comes right after working out.
Performing fasted workouts immediately prior to your meal will help to maximize post-exercise protein synthesis and recovery, and since body temperature and peak protein synthesis are both going to occur in the later afternoon or early evening anyways, this is a better time to be doing this workout compared to squeezing it in after breakfast and shorting yourself on sleep.
Immediately post-workout, consume your BCAAs (at least 5g-10g) to replenish aid to your strained muscles.
Training Example :
5 circuit sets; 30 secs sprint, 15reps kettlebell swings, 15 push up to burpees, 20 reps jump lunges and 30s plank hold.
Hydrate well, avoid caffeinated/sugary drink
It seems near to impossible to stay hydrated during the long hours of fasting in the month of Ramadan. Drinking enough fluids will not only keep you from becoming dehydrated while fasting but also control your sugar cravings after you break your fast. How do we go about doing this?
- Two glasses of water before the breaking of fast
- Four glasses of water in between iftar and suhur
- Two glasses of water at suhur
Caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea is best to be avoided as they are diuretics which will cause more dehydration.
Team BeFit wishes all our fellow friends a Selamat Ramadan!